Enshrouded: Discussions on Skill Points

Exploring the mystery of missing skill points in 'Enshrouded' game. Join the discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are puzzled by missing skill points, leading to a hunt for elusive locations.


  • Players are struggling to find the last few skill points.
  • Elixir Wells hold the key to multiple points, shifting strategies.
  • The hunt for missing locations adds excitement to the game.

Players’ Frustration

Players are expressing frustration at the challenge of locating the remaining skill points. The mystery surrounding the missing points has sparked a collective effort among gamers to uncover the elusive locations, creating a sense of camaraderie within the community.

Elixir Wells Revelation

One user shed light on the significance of Elixir Wells in granting multiple skill points, prompting players to rethink their exploration strategies. This newfound knowledge has reignited interest in revisiting previously explored areas to uncover hidden points.

Thrill of the Hunt

The pursuit of the missing skill points has injected a new level of excitement into the game, transforming a potentially frustrating situation into a thrilling adventure. Players are eager to test their problem-solving skills and map knowledge to conquer the challenge and achieve mastery.