Enshrouded: The Wand Durability Debacle Explained

The community discusses the frustrating changes to wand durability in Enshrouded and how it affects gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players are up in arms over the recent changes to wand durability. The patch has made it challenging for casters to progress through large content areas without frequent repairs, disrupting the gameplay flow.


  • Wand durability changes have negatively impacted gameplay flow for casters.
  • Players find it frustrating to constantly repair wands mid-content.
  • The community calls for a reversal of the durability adjustments.

Arctichydra7’s Frustration

Arctichydra7 expresses disappointment in the increased wand durability consumption, leading to frequent repairs and interruptions during gameplay…

Community Echoes Concern

Fennek-Vulpecula laments the additional stress placed on mages due to the durability changes…

Players Struggle to Adapt

OkaminoPanda shares the struggle with rapid degradation of weapons and tools despite using skills to reduce wear and tear…