Gaming News: Xbox’s Interest in Fallout 5 Sparks Mixed Reactions

Xbox's potential interest in fast-tracking Fallout 5 release has gamers buzzing with anticipation and skepticism.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A recent post on Xbox’s potential hastening of Fallout 5 release has sent shockwaves through the gaming community. Fans are torn between excitement and apprehension as they await further developments.


  • Opinions are divided on the rumored accelerated release of Fallout 5 by Xbox.
  • Some players express eagerness for a sooner launch, while others doubt the feasibility and quality of a rushed game.
  • Suggestions for involving seasoned studios like Larian and Obsidian in the project are circulating.

Reactions and Speculations

The community seems split on the idea of an expedited Fallout 5 release. User ‘LockedUnlocked’ points out, ‘“within the decade” That’s the timeframe we got.’, indicating a cautious optimism but also a sense of a prolonged wait.

On the contrary, ‘deceitfulninja’ raises concerns about a rushed release, stating, ‘It’s insane to think you can have a game out to ride this hype wave in time.’, projecting skepticism towards maintaining the game’s quality under the proposed timeline.

‘TechieTravis’ adds a humorous touch by mentioning, ‘Elder Scrolls 6 coming in 2040 :)’, showcasing the community’s resigned amusement towards Bethesda’s release schedules.

Community Wishlists

Some users, like ‘RedditIsAss69420’, express impatience, stating, ‘Hurry we need Fallout 5 ASAP, doesn’t matter if it’s bad, also charge 250$. Winning!’, reflecting a desire for immediate gratification, even if it comes with compromises.

Conversely, ‘lordlaneus’ proposes, ‘Just hire Larian to make a new Fallout CRPG,’ highlighting the community’s eagerness for well-crafted content and potential collaborations with acclaimed studios.

The witty response from ‘TheCrazedTank,’ ‘Obsidian: You rang?’, showcases the community’s fondness for studios known for their RPG prowess.

Final Thoughts

‘Pistons_Lions_Nerd77’ succinctly dismisses the rumors, stating, ‘This means nothing.’ The varying opinions and speculations surrounding Xbox’s rumored plans for Fallout 5 encapsulate the diverse sentiments within the gaming community.