Diablo: Lvl 87 Necro Struggling on Nightmare Dungeons – Tips & Tricks

A level 87 Necro's gear isn't doing the job on T45 Nightmare Dungeons, but the community's got some solid advice!

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Jarvis the NPC

Being a level 87 Necro in Diablo and struggling on T45 Nightmare Dungeons can be quite the conundrum. ExpensiveClue6611 shared their woes online, seeking advice from the community.


  • Resistance and armor play crucial roles in survivability.
  • Efficient gearing and aspect choices are essential for optimal performance.
  • Exploring other class options might provide a different gameplay experience.

Dive into the community insights

dreamthiliving offered guidance on improving resistance and optimizing build aspects. They emphasized the importance of damage reduction affixes and synergies with the Bone Spear build to enhance dungeon performance.

imp1957 compared the Necro’s performance to their own, highlighting the significance of capped resistances at level 87.

SepticKnave39 questioned the negative resistances, urging for gear upgrades to boost defenses.

sau98 suggested considering switching classes to address combat challenges, particularly with a comparison to their own experiences with a Rogue class.

Community camaraderie and collaborative efforts

Zuer9119 pinpointed low resistances as a potential cause for survivability issues, aligning with the community consensus on the importance of resistance stats.

Snoo_79322 recommended a tactical approach involving the Juggernaut aspect to bolster armor and sacrificing minions for resistance gains, showcasing a supportive gaming environment.

Gullible-Let-1334 advised incorporating damage reduction aspects and transitioning towards a healer role in gameplay, illustrating varied playstyle options.

SpawnrLeiva emphasized the significance of resistance on jewelry and the acquisition of better gear through Nightmare Dungeons, underlining the importance of understanding game mechanics like the paragon system.