Bows of Discord: Last Epoch Marksman Dilemma Unveiled

Dive into the polarizing opinions of Last Epoch's marksmen as bow lovers voice their grievances. Will the developers heed their call for a buff?

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch has ignited a fiery debate among marksmen, with bow enthusiasts clamoring for a much-needed boost in damage output. Refusing to conform to daggers and traps, this passionate faction seeks to redefine the marksmanship meta.


  • Players demand a buff for bow-wielding marksmen due to underwhelming damage.
  • Some argue that other builds are overpowered or bugged, skewing perceptions of marksmen’s effectiveness.
  • Alternative builds like bleed/poison puncture are touted as potent options for marksmen.

The Divide: Bow Loyalty vs. Efficiency

Marksmen’s loyalty to bows clashes with the prevailing meta favoring daggers and traps. Can the classic art of archery prevail in a world of calculated efficiency?

Bugged or Balanced: Conflicting Perspectives

Discord erupts over the balance of marksmen builds, with some attributing perceived weakness to game bugs rather than inherent design flaws. Are marksmen truly underpowered, or are other factors at play?

Piercing the Debate: Alternative Builds

Advocates for bleed and poison-based marksmen builds highlight their strength and viability, offering a fresh approach for those disillusioned with traditional bow setups.

The Last Epoch community remains divided on the fate of marksmen, with passionate arguments echoing across forums. As the debate rages on, it’s clear that the call for bow lovers to receive a fair shake grows louder with each passing day.