Destiny 2: The Insane Grind for Previous Season Red Borders

Is the grind for previous season red borders in Destiny 2 worth the effort? Players share their frustrations and suggestions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are voicing concerns over the challenging grind for previous season red borders, leading to frustration and burnout. Made worse by limited availability and drop rates, the community suggests improvements to make the experience more rewarding and less exhausting.


  • Players express frustration over the lengthy grind for red borders in Destiny 2.
  • Community members propose solutions like weekly quests for pattern progress and guaranteed drops.
  • Some players find the grind manageable, emphasizing the intended challenge of seasonal content.

The Grind Is Real

Emodro’s post highlights the daunting task of acquiring red borders from past seasons, with drop rates and availability adding to the frustration. The grind feels endless, leading to burnout and dissatisfaction among players. The suggestion for a higher drop rate resonates with many who find the current system overly tedious.

Mixed Reactions

While some players like CrotasScrota84 find the grind acceptable, others, like Ithe_GuardiansI, hope for more accessible ways to obtain past season rewards. The disparity in opinions reflects the diverse player base in Destiny 2, where some enjoy the challenge while others seek a more balanced experience.

Suggestions for Improvement

Community members like Hoockus_Pocus advocate for weekly quests and better vendor offerings to ease the grind. The sentiment is clear: players want a fair chance at obtaining coveted rewards without feeling overwhelmed by repetitive tasks.

The discussion around Destiny 2’s grind for red borders showcases the complex relationship players have with challenging content. While some thrive on the difficulty, others seek a more balanced and rewarding gameplay experience. Bungie may need to find a middle ground to cater to the varied preferences within the community.