Destiny 2: Harmonic Scavenger Cost Mystery Unveiled

What's the deal with Harmonic Scavenger costs in Destiny 2? Dive into the mystery with this Reddit post and comments.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about Destiny 2? Well, hold onto your helmets because the community is abuzz with speculation about Harmonic Scavenger costs!


  • Harmonic Scavenger costs may vary based on subclass and seasonal artifacts.
  • Artifact perks could be causing discrepancies in mod costs across different platforms.
  • There was a bug in a previous season that affected Harmonic Scavenger costs.

NordicJaw86’s Discovery

Some subclasses may have different mod costs for Harmonic Scavenger, sparking confusion.

Artifact Perks Influence

Users speculate that Artifact perks might be the culprit behind the varying costs of Harmonic Scavenger mods.

Harmonic Scavenger Bug

A bug from a previous season may have left some players with incorrect mod costs, leading to discrepancies.

Destiny 2 never fails to surprise with its mysterious quirks and hidden bugs. The community’s detective work unveils the secrets behind Harmonic Scavenger costs, shedding light on the intricacies of subclass mods and seasonal artifacts. Whether it’s a bug from a past season or the influence of Artifact perks, Guardians are always ready to unravel Destiny 2’s enigmatic puzzles.