The Persona 4 Glasses Obsession: Why Reddit Can’t Get Enough

Join the Reddit discussion on Persona characters wearing glasses and the hilarious reactions they spark.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans are buzzing on Reddit about characters donning glasses. Dive into the fun!


  • Fans obsessing over Persona characters wearing glasses
  • Humorous reactions to characters trying to look cool with glasses
  • Debates on which character looks better with glasses

Glasses: A Game-Changing Fashion Statement

One user quipped, ‘Glasses supremacy!!! I will not rest until a game exists where EVERY character wears glasses!’. The community is clearly in love with this sight…

The Makoto Effect: Glasses = Instant Awesomeness

‘Makoto was already best boy (and girl). With glasses, he’s even better.’ The vote is unanimous: glasses enhance every character’s charisma.

The Debate Rages On: Chihiro vs. Yukari

One user reaches out for help in a crucial decision, unable to choose between Chihiro and Yukari. The struggle is real for Persona fans torn between two favorites.