Decoding Destiny 2 Weapon Drop Chances: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover the secrets behind Destiny 2 weapon drop odds and uncover the truth about RNG in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 aficionados are buzzing with speculation over the intricate workings of weapon drop chances in the game. The post by Rare-Day-1492 sheds light on a step-by-step method to understand the percentages involved in acquiring that elusive perfect roll.


  • Unveiling the mystery of weapon drop odds through fractions and multiplication.
  • Players expressing frustration over the randomness of drops and perceived odds.
  • Skepticism around Bungie’s RNG mechanisms and its impact on player experiences.

RNG Frustrations

The Destiny community resonates with a shared frustration over the unpredictability of weapon drops. User ‘nopunchespulled’ highlights the prevalent lack of understanding among players regarding the challenging RNG system.

The Elusive God Roll

As user ‘joernu76’ eloquently points out, the pursuit of a perfect ‘god roll’ weapon in Destiny 2 can be an arduous journey, with staggering odds stacked against players. The statistical reality of acquiring desired perks adds a layer of complexity to the loot grind.

Player Tales of Woe

‘krk03’ shares a personal anecdote of seeking a specific weapon roll, showcasing the disparity between desired outcomes and actual drops. The struggle for ideal perks remains a prevalent theme across the Destiny 2 player base.

Trust in RNGesus

‘Cinderchar’ injects a dose of humor into the discussion, questioning the reliability of Bungie’s RNG algorithms. The inherent skepticism towards the game’s randomization mechanisms reflects a mix of amusement and doubt among players.

Math woes plague ‘mikakor’ as they navigate the perplexing world of RNG in Destiny 2, highlighting the emotional rollercoaster players experience in pursuit of coveted weapon rolls. The disparity in drop rates and the element of luck underscore the unpredictable nature of loot acquisition in the game.