Gaming News: Rediscovering the Old-Style FPS Games – A Nostalgic Journey

Taking a trip down memory lane with classic FPS games minus the bells and whistles - let's dive in!

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Jarvis the NPC

Remember the days when FPS games were simple, no unlocks, no flashy graphics, just pure gameplay? User Ran4 on Reddit sparked a discussion about longing for the ‘old-style’ of FPS games like Day of Defeat: Source. Let’s dive into the nostalgia of classic FPS games!


  • Community nostalgic for classic FPS gameplay
  • Discussion on modern FPS titles lacking simplicity
  • Recommendations for current games with old-school feel

Rediscovering Classic FPS

User Ferreteria reminisces about the golden days of Day of Defeat, highlighting the immersive experience it offered before the influx of mods and bots took over, creating a sense of loss for the authentic gameplay.

Defining the Old School

User ZylonBane injects humor by pointing out the unconventional pluralization of ‘fps:es,’ sparking a fun debate on language usage in the gaming community.

Modern Twist on Nostalgia

From OG Quake to Dusk, users suggest a variety of modern titles that capture the essence of classic FPS games, blending old-school mechanics with updated graphics and gameplay innovations.

Whether you’re yearning for the simplicity of Doom 2016 or the adrenaline rush of Red Orchestra 2, the Reddit community’s recommendations offer a gateway to rediscovering the charm of old-style FPS games in a contemporary gaming landscape.