Counter-Strike Fans Call: Give Us Overwatch Back To Combat Cheaters

Community sentiment in Counter-Strike skews negative as players push for the return of a previously discarded feature – Overwatch.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a battle against cheat codes and system hackers, the community of popular video game Counter-Strike is rallying for the return of a much needed feature: Overwatch. This was triggered by a post initiated by ‘ViZion94’.


  • The general sentiment of players leans towards a negative due to a lack of control over game infractions.
  • The significant outcry suggests a deeper issue with poor anti-cheat mechanisms.
  • Overall, the absence of Overwatch creates feelings of fruitlessness, reinforcing the need for community policing tools.

Fans’ Nostalgia for Overwatch

Among the comments voiced, ‘CunEll0r’ reminisces the usefulness of Overwatch, highlighting that it gave him a feeling of contribution. He pointed out that even with diagnosed vac banned test cases, confirming the bans gave a sense of satisfaction. Linking his comment, might indicate that Overwatch isn’t merely a tool against cheating, but also a feature that strengthens the community bond.

Doubts About Return

The sentiment isn’t unanimously positive for Overwatch, as baseretention pointed out the element of abuse that led to Overwatch’s discontinuation. This suggests a critical caution where any such re-introduction would need to be carefully managed to prevent a recurrence. Baseretention’s outlook seems a tad more pessimistic

Desperate Pleas

A sense of desperation and frustration can be gleaned from larrydavidballsack’s comment, underscoring the general disillusionment in the community. With a humorous undertone, his ‘yelling’ presents how urgently the community feels the need for action against cheats. The comment might just imply how loudly this conversation needs to be had!

The cry from the Counter-Strike community for stronger anti-cheat measures is a passionate one. Many see the return of Overwatch as a method to combat this issue, while others emphasize it needs to be implemented appropriately to avoid previous pitfalls. Given these views, Valve’s next move will be keenly anticipated. And for the mighty gamers out there, never forget the first rule of combat: “Never ever cry victory… before you’ve actually won!”