Clash Royale’s Missing Offers: Redditors Speak Out!

Redditors are up in arms over missing offers in Clash Royale. Find out what the community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are puzzled over the disappearing offers in the game. What’s going on?


  • Players speculate about the missing offers in Clash Royale, with some humorous responses.
  • Some users joke about OJ buying all the offers, while others share their frustration.
  • One player mentions having to scroll a ridiculous distance to see the offers again.
  • There are theories about why the offers are missing, including Huawei’s involvement.

OJ Bought Them All?

One user humorously suggests, “OJ has bought them all. There are no left.” The community seems to enjoy the playful banter amidst the confusion.

Scrolling for Miles

Another player shares their annoyance, stating, “Now I gotta scroll 69km to reach the daily shop offers again.” The exaggeration adds a touch of humor to the situation.

Conspiracy Theories

Speculation arises about the tech giant Huawei’s potential role in the disappearance of offers. Could there be a larger conspiracy at play?