Clash Royale: Why Did the Mortar Become His and Not Mine?

Clash Royale players debate why the mortar targets one player over the other, with theories ranging from priority placements to in-game mechanics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Why does it feel like Clash Royale’s Mortar is playing favorites? Players on the subreddit are debating why the Mortar seems to target specific players over others and the possible reasons behind this gameplay feature.


  • Prioritization mechanics in Clash Royale may favor the first player to place certain structures.
  • Players speculate on the impact of lag and ping on in-game targeting decisions.
  • Community members suggest various factors such as Pass Royale interactions and skill may influence targeting choices.

Player Prioritization Theories

Many players believe that Clash Royale’s targeting mechanics give priority to the first player to deploy specific structures. User ‘notkasa’ explains, ‘First inferno tower placed has priority (and same for interactions like bandit dash).’ This suggests that the game engine may prioritize certain initial placements, influencing the Mortar’s target selection.

Lag and Ping Considerations

User ‘Penguindasher12’ humorously suggests, ‘Probably something with ping.’ This lighthearted comment touches on a common concern in online multiplayer games where latency issues can impact real-time gameplay decisions, potentially affecting targeting choices in Clash Royale.

Community Insights on In-Game Mechanics

‘Bendr6565’ brings up the idea of quick respawns to mitigate targeting discrepancies, stating, ‘it should just delete and quickly spawn a new one to at least allow for the person with the elixir advantage to be rewarded for it.’ This highlights how players propose game adjustments to address perceived issues like Mortar targeting inconsistency.

While players may not have a definitive answer to why the Mortar appears biased in its targeting, the community’s discussions illustrate the diverse viewpoints and theories surrounding Clash Royale’s gameplay mechanics. Whether it’s strategic placements, network conditions, or game design quirks, the Mortar’s targeting behavior continues to intrigue and perplex players, sparking lively debates within the Clash Royale community.