Clash Royale: The Evolution Dilemma and Community Frustrations

Returning after a long break, a Clash Royale player faces the frustration of evolutions in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Returning to Clash Royale after a long hiatus can be like stepping into a whole new world.


  • Players frustrated with the difficulty of obtaining evolution cards.
  • Community divided over whether to continue playing the game or quit.
  • New game elements causing confusion and dissatisfaction among returning players.

The Evolution Frustration

One player expressed their frustration, wondering why everyone else seemed to have evolutions in their decks while they were struggling to obtain any. The complexity and rarity of evolution cards left them feeling overwhelmed and underpowered.

Community Divide

Comments from other players ranged from advising the player to quit again due to upcoming nerfs and the challenging nature of the game, to encouraging them to keep playing and find strategies to overcome the obstacles. The community seemed split on whether the game was still enjoyable or had become too pay-to-win.

New Challenges, New Dissatisfaction

Returning players highlighted the stark differences in the game from five years ago, with new mechanics like evolutions creating confusion and dissatisfaction. The increasing level of pay-to-win elements and the time required to progress as a free-to-play player were cited as major drawbacks.