Clash Royale: The Emote Economy

Discover the shady world of premium emotes in Clash Royale and how players' sentiments range from regret to amusement.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever questioned the value of virtual emotes in Clash Royale? Well, buckle up because the Reddit community is having a field day discussing whether these emotes are worth the price tag!


  • Early access or scam? Players debate the real worth of buying emotes.
  • Some find it amusing to see others pay for emotes that eventually show up in the shop for free.
  • Arguments over the value of exclusivity versus patience in acquiring emotes.

The Emote Economy

Players are divided on the issue of purchasing emotes in Clash Royale. While some find it a smart move to get early access to their favorite emotes, others see it as a waste of money. User ‘kimmich69’ humorously mentions, “I hope the mimimi emote doesn’t go in; I paid $6 for it.” This sentiment reflects a mix of regret and jest towards the in-game purchases.

Debates on Exclusivity

User ‘Right_Gas2569’ sheds light on the concept of exclusivity, stating that emotes without a rainbow border eventually make their way to the shop. This prompts a response from ‘Purple-Equivalent-33,’ who eagerly awaits the crying goblin emote to appear, intending to mock those who paid for it.

The Value of Patience

On the flip side, ‘XavierRenegadeDivine’ argues that spending money on emotes isn’t worthwhile, emphasizing that it only provides early access. Additionally, ‘CubeLord9000’ echoes similar sentiments, referring to purchasing emotes as merely obtaining a rainbow border.

In a world where virtual emotes hold monetary value, Clash Royale players navigate the fine line between instant gratification and patience. Whether it’s a source of amusement or regret, the emote economy continues to spark lively discussions within the community.