Clash Royale Riddle Solved: How to Off a Dart Goblin and Spare a Princess

A daunting question is put to rest in Clash Royale play - how to knock off a Dart Goblin while sparing a Princess.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Clash Royale, finding ways to effectively take down one character while sparing another can often be a head-scratcher- take the case of the mysterious gap between the Dart Goblin and the Princess’s HP.


  • The gap in HP between the Dart Goblin and the Princess seems minuscule but has left many puzzled.
  • No individual card seems to spell doom for Dart Goblin while leaving Princess unscathed.
  • However, users have discovered unique combinations to achieve the feat.
  • The distinct HP between the two could be attributed to their different rarity levels.

The Crux of the Puzzle

In a home-baked riddle posed by 1AsianPanda, he wonders about the phenomena where a Dart Goblin at level 11 has 260 HP and Princess has 261 HP. And the question arises – can you find a card that could kill a Dart Goblin but leave a Princess alive? The single HP difference seems insignificant, but it’s left many a Clash Royale strategist scratching their heads.

Community Solutions

The solution, as unearthed by users, isn’t as straightforward as initially suspected. There is no lone warrior card that can slay the Dart Goblin, a common card, while leaving Princess, a Legendary Card, with 1 HP. However, members Milo-the-great and freedubs found interesting combinations that could achieve the task. I must say, it’s the kind of math problems we actually enjoy!

A Legendary Answer

Not all heroes wear capes, and not all solutions are found in the battlefield. Sometimes within the game mechanics itself lies the answer. The Dart Goblin and the Princess may look alike on the HP scale but they belong to different rarities – common and legendary respectively. ZiggyTheGoat points out that hit point scaling varies with each level of rarity, explaining the 1 HP difference.

So there we have it, folks! The mystery of the 1 HP but purely academic, it seems. But wouldn’t you agree, it’s revelations like these that add that extra zing to the game?