Clash Royale: Reddit Users Discuss the Impact of Dagger Dutchess

Discover why Clash Royale players are divided on the new Dagger Dutchess card and its effects.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players are torn over the impact of the new Dagger Dutchess card. The community seems split between those who find it a powerful addition and others who believe it has disrupted the game’s balance.


  • Some players defend Dagger Dutchess as a necessary counter to popular strategies.
  • Others criticize the card for creating an unfair advantage in certain matchups.
  • Suggestions for nerfs range from adjusting damage to tweaking elixir costs.
  • The debate highlights differing perspectives on game balance and card design.
  • SweatyShib’s Take

    SweatyShib humorously points out the irony in players’ reactions to Dagger Dutchess, contrasting their past strategies with the current complaints.

    Androodle2004’s Proposal

    Androodle2004 suggests balancing Dagger Dutchess by aligning her recharge rate with elixir gain to maintain a fair gameplay experience.

    IDProG’s View

    IDProG offers a different perspective on a potential nerf, focusing on adjusting dagger count and retrieval speed for Dagger Dutchess.

    Reddit_is_snowflake’s Concern

    Reddit_is_snowflake highlights the need for a damage nerf for Dagger Dutchess, suggesting that her current power level is too overwhelming.

    Final Thoughts

    The heated discussions around Dagger Dutchess showcase the passionate player base of Clash Royale, with differing opinions on what constitutes fair gameplay. As Supercell navigates these feedback loops, the game’s future balance hangs in the balance.