Clash Royale: Predicting Top 1k Season Rankings

Join the Clash Royale community as they debate the season ranking for the top 1k players. What will it take this time?

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale, the ever-competitive mobile game, is stirring up discussions on Reddit about the season ranking for the top 1k players. Encaphone asks, ‘Last season it was around 2820, since this is a longer season how much higher will it be, 2900 or just high 2800’s?’


  • Players are speculating if the top 1k ranking will surpass 2900 due to the extended season.
  • Community members joke about 2820 being ‘mid ladder’ and discuss prediction tools like Royale APIs.

Predictions Galore

RealTeaToe humorously comments on the Reddit culture, dubbing 2820 as ‘mid ladder,’ showing the competitive spirit prevalent among Clash Royale players.

Squad Busters Craze

Available-Drawer-925 and Mipumi_ divert the conversation to the Squad Busters feature, showcasing players’ interest in in-game cosmetics.

Professional Insights

thatbeastballer101 mentions Royale APIs’ prediction around 2900, highlighting how some players turn to external sources for ranking insights.

Suitable-Method-1268 and ZealousidealFocus769 chime in with predictions, reflecting the community’s eagerness to anticipate the season’s outcome.