Clash Royale: Insights on BMing in the Game Community

Discover the dos and don'ts of BMing in Clash Royale from passionate players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players debate the timing of BMing, with strong opinions on both sides. Many find satisfaction in timely BM, while others cringe at the behavior. Some even prefer playing on mute to avoid toxic interactions.


  • Timing of BM in Clash Royale sparks heated discussions among players.
  • Some players enjoy BMing after securing victory for maximum impact.
  • Others view BMing as unsportsmanlike and prefer not to engage in such behavior.

BM Satisfaction

SharkyTheGW reflects on the karma and satisfaction of seeing opponents bristle at a well-timed BM gesture, highlighting the emotional impact of such actions.

Muting Toxicity

Litezho shares the strategy of playing on mute to silence toxic opponents, showcasing a more peaceful approach to gameplay.

Opinions on BMing

Fnaf_nerd1 and vvddcvgrr express disapproval of BMing, labeling it as cringe and unnecessary in Clash Royale matches.

Harsh_is_God and Onuceria recount personal experiences with BMing, each offering a unique perspective on the practice.