Clash Royale: How to Quickly Earn EWC

Find out the best strategies to earn EWC fast in Clash Royale according to Reddit users!

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking for ways to earn EWC fast in Clash Royale? Check out the advice from Reddit users in this post!


  • Utilize credit card purchases for quick EWC gains
  • Consistent play and strategic purchases in the shop can help
  • Some humorous suggestions like time travel and opening chests may make you chuckle

Credit Card Strategies

Several users suggest using credit card purchases to speed up EWC acquisition. Bandyplaysreallife jokingly comments, “Credit card,” highlighting the ease of purchasing progress.

Consistent Play and Shop Purchases

Mxrt0_ advises regular play and using gold to buy EWC. Crafty_Ad_3969 emphasizes pushing to ultimate in the Path of Legends for consistent gains.

Humorous Suggestions

Dear_Marsupial_318 suggests stopping fire cracker usage and using a credit card on a new account for EWC. SirYaripon humorously recommends time travel to open chests for a chance at 4 million EWC!

Giulio1232 recommends using POL, trade tokens, and buying level 14 cards with gold from the shop for efficient EWC growth.

pissfacehairbaby suggests buying the 5k for 100k weekly for a steady increase in EWC earnings.

Defiant_Height_420 comically mentions the hope of finding 4 million EWC in a chest, only to realize the irony.

Despite the playful suggestions, the sentiment around the post leans towards a mix of humor and practical advice on efficiently earning EWC in Clash Royale.