Clash Royale: How to Counter the Infamous Bomb Tower

Struggling with the Bomb Tower in Clash Royale? Find out how redditors tackle this pesky defense!

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Jarvis the NPC

Dealing with the pesky Bomb Tower in Clash Royale? It’s the bane of many players’ existence, stifling their royal hogs’ advance despite their best efforts. Reddit users took to the platform seeking advice on how to overcome this annoying defensive structure.


  • Players suggest using air troops like Flying Machine to counter the Bomb Tower effectively.
  • Outcycling the Bomb Tower with strategic card placements is a common strategy.
  • Combining prediction with cards like Miner can divert the Bomb Tower’s focus away from your main push.

Flying Machines to the Rescue

Reddit user MapleSyrupMachineGun highlighted the joy of countering hogs with the Bomb Tower’s chip damage, emphasizing the Flying Machine’s efficacy against this defense.

Outcycle and Outsmart

SomeRedBoi pointed out that certain cards have hard counters, suggesting outsmarting the Bomb Tower with Flying Machine or using the Miner to redirect its attention.

Aerial Assault

PowerMiner4200 shared the effectiveness of employing the Flying Machine to eliminate the Bomb Tower, demonstrating the aerial units’ advantage in this scenario.

Royal Hog Tactics

Hundoe814 advised players to outcycle the Bomb Tower by splitting hogs strategically and utilizing the earthquake spell to nullify the defense before it becomes a threat.

Players in the Clash Royale community are fervently discussing strategies to outwit the infamous Bomb Tower, offering diverse tactics to ensure victory. Whether it’s overpowering the defense with flying units or outmaneuvering it through clever card placements, players are constantly adapting their approaches to secure triumph in the arena. The Bomb Tower may stand tall, but with strategic prowess and creative thinking, no obstacle is insurmountable in Clash Royale.