Clash Royale: Am I a Mid Ladder Menace? Reddit Community Opinions

The Clash Royale subreddit debates if a player is truly a mid-ladder menace with mixed opinions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Clash Royale players have taken to Reddit to discuss whether a fellow player is a mid-ladder menace. The original post by Wafflen9054 showcases their two main decks, sparking a range of opinions from the community.


  • Players debate if the decks are strong enough at mid ladder levels
  • Suggestions to improve deck composition are shared
  • Opinions vary on the player’s deck levels

Is It Overleveled?

Some users believe the player’s deck is far from being overleveled, indicating that others with stronger decks could still defeat them. This perspective raises questions about the effectiveness of the decks in competitive gameplay.

Deck Composition

Comments suggest changes to the player’s deck composition, recommending alternative cards such as mini pekka, prince, or ebarbs in place of the tombstone. This highlights the importance of strategic card selection in Clash Royale.

Mixed Reactions

The community’s responses are mixed, ranging from suggestions for improvement to more critical comments. Some users offer constructive feedback, while others simply advise deleting the game. It reflects the diverse opinions within the Clash Royale community.

The discussion around deck strength and level progression in Clash Royale showcases the varied perspectives within the player base. While some players appreciate the strategy and competitiveness, others may express frustration or provide guidance for improvement. Ultimately, the community’s engagement highlights the depth of analysis and interaction within the game’s community.