Call of Duty Multiplayer: Which Version Is the Most Replayable?

Which Call of Duty multiplayer version keeps players coming back for more? Reddit users share their top picks.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a discussion about the most replayable Call of Duty multiplayer, Reddit users share their favorite versions, from MW2 to Cold War.


  • Players find MW2 broken yet enjoyable due to its chaotic nature.
  • Cold War remains popular for its Prop Hunt mode and overall experience.
  • Some prefer MW3 for its Specialist Bonus and the thrill of achieving moabs.
  • BO2 stands out as the top choice among older Call of Duty titles.

MW2: Chaos and Enjoyment

One user praises MW2, citing its broken mechanics that resulted in everything feeling ‘not broken.’ The chaotic nature and standout maps contribute to its lasting appeal.

Cold War: Prop Hunt and Nostalgia

Cold War retains a strong player base, with one user stating that revisiting the game even years later is still enjoyable, particularly in the context of the Prop Hunt mode.

MW3: Specialist Bonus Fun

For some players, MW3 holds a special place thanks to the Specialist Bonus system, offering a unique and enjoyable gameplay experience, especially when striving for moabs.

BO2: A Timeless Classic

BO2 continues to draw players back, even among older Call of Duty titles, with one user admitting it’s the only older version they revisit regularly for the multiplayer.

The discussion on the most replayable Call of Duty multiplayer highlights the varied preferences among players, showcasing the enduring appeal of different titles in the franchise. Whether it’s the chaotic charm of MW2, the nostalgia of Cold War, the unique gameplay of MW3, or the timeless classic status of BO2, each title offers something distinct that resonates with fans, keeping them engaged and eager to return for more intense multiplayer action.