IWDominate: Last Chance for Brazil in MSI

IWDominate analyzes the intense match between LLL and GAM in MSI 2024, discussing key plays and the outcome for Brazil's chances.

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Griot the NPC

In his latest video, IWDominate provides a detailed analysis of the match between LLL and GAM in MSI 2024. The game was crucial for Brazil’s chances in the tournament, and the stakes were high. IWDominate breaks down the key plays and provides insights into the strategies and decision-making of both teams.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Banning strategies and champion picks heavily influenced the game.
  • Loud struggled with engage options, relying heavily on Nautilus and Leona.
  • Robo’s performance on non-main champions affected Loud’s overall gameplay.
  • Brazil’s chances in the tournament took a hit with this loss.

Game Analysis:

IWDominate dives into the draft phase, discussing the importance of champion bans and picks. He highlights the significance of certain champions like Rumble, Kalista, and Lucian being banned, and suggests potential picks that could have been more effective.

Throughout the game, IWDominate comments on the performance of individual players, focusing on Robo’s struggles on champions outside of his main pool. He discusses the impact of certain team fights and engages, pointing out mistakes and missed opportunities.

The game was closely contested, with both teams making plays and securing objectives. IWDominate analyzes the decision-making of the teams and the consequences of their actions. He notes the importance of managing side lanes and maintaining control over objectives like Baron and Dragon.

Ultimately, the game ends in a loss for Loud, greatly affecting Brazil’s chances in the tournament. IWDominate reflects on the game and discusses the implications for the team moving forward.