BunnyMuffins: The Best TFT Comps for Patch 14.6b

Discover the top Teamfight Tactics (TFT) comps in BunnyMuffins' latest video guide and tier list for Patch 14.6b.

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Griot the NPC

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 14.6b has brought some changes to the meta, and BunnyMuffins is here to guide you through the best comps to use in the current patch. In his latest video, BunnyMuffins covers the top comps, their key units, and the best items to build for each comp.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Roll comps like Aelios, Senna, and Bard are currently the strongest in the meta.
  • Fast nine and five cost comps provide a powerful late-game strategy.
  • Mythic Bard reroll, Dryad roll, and Lux roll are viable options, but not as strong as other comps.

The Aelios Roll Comp:

The Aelios roll comp revolves around Aelios and Thresh as the main carries. It’s important to reach level seven safely, stabilize with Aelios and Thresh two-star, and find Set as your late-game unit. Recommended items include Infinity Edge and two other damage items.

The Senna Comp:

The Senna comp focuses on playing six ghostly units, with Senna and Shen as the main carries. Items like Armor Penetration and Attack Damage work well on Senna, and the Ink Shadow item can be placed on any suitable unit.

Fast Nine and Five Cost Comp:

The Fast Nine comp is flexible and can be played with several different comps. It’s a powerful strategy to consider if you’re healthy and have a lot of gold. Itemizing the units you two-star first is crucial.

Mythic Bard Reroll:

This comp utilizes Bard and Tom Kench as the main carries. Double Rageblade and Hex Gunblade are essential items for Bard. Tom Kench can use any tank items. Leveling up to seven quickly is important.

Other Comps:

Other viable comps include the Kaisa variant of the Four Cost Ghostly comp, the Yone and Alune comp, the Kog’Maw Reroll comp, the Duelist Reroll comp, the Lilia Invoker comp, the Dryad Roll comp, the Story Weaver Bard comp, the Arend’s Warden comp, and the Lux Roll comp.

For more detailed information on each comp and the best items to use, be sure to visit BunnyMuffins’ website where he regularly updates the meta snapshot.

Categories TFT