Tekken: Law Players – A Deeper Look into the World of Law in Tekken

Exploring the world of Law players in Tekken, from intros to connection issues and gameplay strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Tekken subreddit, users discuss the common traits of Law players, from unskipped intros to gameplay patterns.


  • Law players tend to exhibit similar patterns in their gameplay, such as failing to respect frames and repeating strings.
  • Connection issues are a common frustration when facing Law players.
  • Players express mixed sentiments towards Law’s aggressive gameplay style.

Law Players’ Struggles with Frame Data

Law players often disregard frame data, leading to predictable patterns that skilled opponents can exploit. Some players find it frustrating to face this lack of strategic play.

A Battle of Aggressive Playstyles

On one hand, some players appreciate Law’s hyper-aggressive style, finding it easier to counter. On the other hand, others condemn the spamming nature of Law players, labeling them as toxic in the Tekken community.

Connection Woes and Law Players

The issue of bad connections adds another layer of frustration when facing Law players, affecting the overall gaming experience and competitiveness.

Embracing the Law Way

Despite their flaws, some Law mains find success in sticking to their unique playstyles, emphasizing the importance of adapting and improving strategies.