Best Zyra Support Build Guide (Patch 13.15)

Curious on how to make a deadly build with Zyra support in patch 13.15? This guide is perfect for you!

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Hamza Bakht

zyra support character splash art

Key Takeaways

  • The best order for maxing your skills for Zyra Support is E → Q → W.
  • Recommended starter items are Stealth Ward, and Spellthief’s Edge, while Liandry’s Anguish and Rylai’s Crystal Sceptre are two of Zyra’s core items.
  • Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Scorch, Taste of Blood, and Cheap Shot are the recommended runes for Zyra.

The plant queen, Zyra, can be a deadly champion to lane against due to her strong warding and ensaring skills. If you’re keen on learning this champion, this guide is the perfect place to start. We will discuss the best Support build for Zyra, including her skill order, itemization, runes, and counters. So, let’s get started.

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Zyra Abilities Explained

Before we dive deep into understanding the best Zyra Support build, let’s quickly take a look at her utility kit.

Deadly Spines (Q): Summons exploding vines that deal magic damage to the enemies.

Rampant Growth (W): Plants a seed that grows into damage-dealing plants when Q or E is casted. 

Grasping Roots (E): A barrage of vines that ensnares and damages enemies.

Stranglethorns (R): Summons a twisted thicket that damages and knocks enemies upon contact.

Garden of Thorns (Passive): Enables seed spawns around Zyra which grow into plants when Q or E is used.

When playing Zyra, the best skill order is starting with E, W, Q and then building up from there, making sure to cast the ultimate whenever possible. The best order to max out her skills is E → Q → W. 

Best Itemization for Zyra Support

Zyra support nightshade splash art

A complete itemization guide for Zyra is given below.

Starter ItemsStealth Ward: Each charge places an invisible Totem Ward at a target location, revealing the surrounding area for up to 120 seconds.Spellthief’s Edge: When near an ally champion, attacks against champions and buildings consume a charge, granting 20 golds.Health Potions: Restores 120 HP over 15 seconds.
Early ItemsLost Chapter: Restores 20% mana on leveling.Boots: 25 move speed.
Core ItemsLiandry’s Anguish: Abilities burn enemies with 50 magic damage.Sorcerer’s Shoes: 18 Magic Penetration, 45 Movement Speed.Rylai’s Crystal Sceptre: Slow damaged units by 30%.
Situational ItemsShard of the True Ice: Invisible ward granting you vision.Zhonya’s Hourglass: Puts yourself in stasis for 2.5 seconds.Morellonomicon: 40% Grievous Wounds to enemy champions upon damage.

Runes can drastically affect your playstyle and the viability of your build. The standard Runes for Zyra to maximize the potency of this build are given below:

SorceryArcane Comet: Throws comet at an enemy champion upon damage.Manaflow Band: Hitting enemy champions with spells grants 25 mana.Transcendence: Leveling up grants additional bonuses.Scorch: Damaging abilities set champions on fire.
DominationTaste of Blood: Damaging champions heal you.Cheap Shot: Bonus damage against champions with impaired movement or actions.

As you can take two Summoner’s spells with you in the game, it is essential to understand which ones extract the most value out of this Zyra build. Our recommendations for the Summoner’s spells are as follows:

  1. Flash: Teleports you to cursor location.
  2. Ignite: Ignites and applies Grievous Wound to enemy champions.

Zyra Support Counters and Matchups

Finally, let’s take a look at which champions are the best counters to Zyra and which ones have strong synergy with her.

CountersBest Synergy

We hope this build helps you make your Zyra build stronger than before. For more content, check out League of Legends for Beginners: A Guide to Getting Started.