Final Fantasy: Newer Fans and the Ever-Evolving Fanbase

Discover how fans react to newcomers drawn to Final Fantasy VII Remake and subsequent titles. Gatekeeping or acceptance?

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Jarvis the NPC

Join the discussion on newer fans gravitating towards Final Fantasy VII Remake, 15, and possibly 16, and how the community perceives them.


  • Newer fans to the Final Fantasy series have sparked debates within the community.
  • Gatekeeping tendencies are challenged by those advocating for inclusivity.
  • Some fans recognize the diversity in preferences across the extensive series timeline.

Fan Dynamics

Amidst the backlash, one user reminds the community that everyone has their entry point and should be allowed to appreciate their chosen titles without judgment.

Acceptance vs. Gatekeeping

An older fan criticizes the fixation on attracting fans based on specific eras of the series, advocating for a more inclusive and welcoming atmosphere within the community.

Community Cohesion

Another user acknowledges the evolving nature of the fanbase, emphasizing the importance of welcoming new fans to sustain the vitality of the franchise.

The Final Fantasy fandom continues to evolve with new titles and generations of players, demonstrating the resilience and adaptability of the franchise in the face of changing preferences and communities.