Best Valorant Phantom Skins: Community Recommendations and More!

Looking for the perfect Phantom skin in Valorant? Check out what the community recommends and stay updated on the latest bundles!

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Valorant players are on the hunt for the ideal Phantom skin, seeking community recommendations and insights. From Recon to Prime Vandal variants, the search is on!


  • Recon and Oni skins highly rated for the Phantom in-game.
  • Players suggest Smite, Gais Vengeance, and Xenohunter for unique options.
  • Oni and Prime skins stand out among the community’s preferences.
  • Some players appreciate Prime and Singularity skins, while others have different tastes.

Community Recommendations: Recon and Oni

According to Siiilencee’s recommendation, Recon and Oni skins are solid choices for the mid to high-tier skin range. Both deliver a satisfying in-game experience, making them popular choices among Valorant enthusiasts.

Unique Choices: Smite, Gais Vengeance, Xenohunter

For players seeking distinct options, Idekanymorelol1 shares that Smite, Gais Vengeance, and Xenohunter are worth considering based on your preferred style and what’s available in the store at the time. The variety keeps the customization exciting and personal.

Personal Preferences: Oni vs. Prime

Dayummy expresses a personal preference for the Oni skin, highlighting its appeal and performance in the game. Each player’s unique playstyle and aesthetic tastes contribute to their choice of Phantom skin.

Diverse Opinions: Prime vs. Singularity

DjinnsPalace offers insight into the diverse views within the community, mentioning that while Prime is generally well-liked, singularity has its own niche following. Different strokes for different folks as they say!

As Valorant players discuss and debate the best Phantom skins, the community showcases its diverse preferences and tastes. Whether you opt for the tried-and-true options like Recon or venture into more unique selections, finding the perfect skin adds a personal touch to your in-game experience. The hunt for the ideal skin continues, fueled by player feedback and the excitement of upcoming bundles.