Tekken Fans Debate New Character Design – A Closer Look at Lidia Sobieska

Tekken fans are split on the new character design for Lidia Sobieska in Tekken 7. Some find her generic while others appreciate the changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken fans recently shared differing opinions on the updated character design of Lidia Sobieska in the latest installment of the game. Many fans are divided over her new look, sparking a lively debate in the community.


  • Players express mixed feelings about Lidia Sobieska’s updated design in Tekken 7.
  • Comments highlight concerns about the character’s appearance being generic.
  • Some fans appreciate the changes while others feel she has lost her uniqueness.

Fans’ Reactions

Several fans pointed out the differences between the previous and current designs of Lidia Sobieska. While some appreciate the changes, others feel she has lost her distinctiveness.

Character Design Debate

The debate among fans revolves around the perceived generic nature of Lidia’s new appearance. Some fans feel she now looks similar to other characters in the game, detracting from her original charm.

Fan Expectations

Many fans are eager to see how Lidia’s character development unfolds in Tekken 7 and are hopeful that future updates will address their concerns about her design.