Best Destiny 2 Adept Weapons to Enhance: Community Picks and Reactions

Discover the top choices for enhancing Adept weapons in Destiny 2 and see what the gaming community has to say!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with excitement as they discuss their plans to enhance Adept weapons when The Final Shape arrives. The anticipation is palpable!


  • Players are strategizing on the best Adept weapons to enhance
  • Many users are nostalgic for special names for Adept raid weapons
  • Some confusion and curiosity arise regarding specific weapon enhancements

Adept Weapon Picks

Destiny 2 community members are sharing their top picks for enhancing Adept weapons in preparation for The Final Shape. Players like Fatebringer and Orange Justice are gaining popularity as the go-to choices for enhancement.

Nostalgia for Special Names

Players express their love for special names like ‘Harrowed’ and ‘Timelost’ for Adept raid weapons, wishing Bungie had continued this tradition. These unique titles added an extra layer of excitement to acquiring and enhancing these weapons.

Confusion and Curiosity

Some players are puzzled by certain enhancements and perks, like the synergy between enhanced boogie party and Sword Logic. Others express confusion over specific columns and enhancements, seeking clarity from the community.