Final Fantasy Mainline Tier List: A Controversial Ranking

Dive into the heated discussions surrounding a unique Final Fantasy tier list and see how fans react to the unconventional rankings.

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are known for their passionate debates about the best games in the series, but one recent mainline tier list has stirred up quite the controversy.


  • Emotional connection to games impacts ranking
  • Unconventional picks spark strong reactions
  • Diversity of opinions reflects series’ broad appeal

Personal Connection Matters

One commenter defends Final Fantasy XV, highlighting the game’s unique ‘road trip’ theme that resonates with their own life experiences.

Bold Choices

Some users express surprise at the list, particularly the ranking of Final Fantasy XIII above classics like VI and VII.

Divergent Opinions

While one player appreciates the inclusion of Final Fantasy VIII in the top tier, others question the absence of fan-favorite titles like VII from the list.

These varied perspectives showcase the deep emotional connection players have with the Final Fantasy series and how nostalgia and personal experiences shape their views on the games they love.