Best and Worst Teammates in Apex Legends: What Redditors Have to Say

Discover who Reddit users prefer and despise as Apex Legends teammates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you wondering who are the best and worst legends to have as teammates in Apex Legends? Let’s delve into what the community is saying!


  • Horizon is a favorite due to helpful tactics and pleasant players.
  • Wattson ranks low for neglecting fences and strategic ult placements.

Favorite Legends

Many users appreciate Lifeline’s support abilities, while disagreeing on the effectiveness of Octane’s playstyle.

Least Favorite Legends

Players express frustration with Rampart and Loba for their passive or selfish behaviors, contrasting Mirage’s deceptive usefulness in battles.

Unpopular Choices

Crypto and Bangalore receive mixed reviews, with some labeling them as burdensome or detrimental to team success.

Ultimately, the Apex Legends community varies in their preferences for ideal teammates, highlighting the importance of synergy and effective communication.