Exploring the Best Roles for Bellanoir Libero in Palworld

Discover the ultimate guide on how to utilize Bellanoir Libero's skills for fighting and working in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are debating on the optimal role for Bellanoir Libero. Is it better suited for fighting or working? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Bellanoir Libero excels in combat with its potent Dark moves like Dark Cannon and Apocalypse.
  • Players debate whether its high base attack makes it ideal for fighting or working roles.
  • Understanding the differences between Ultra, Libero, and Base forms is crucial for optimizing performance.

Opinions on Bellanoir Libero

Skulking-Dwig suggests using passives like Siren, Ferocious, Musclehead, and Hooligan/Veil of Darkness for combat, highlighting its strong Dark moves like Dark Cannon and Apocalypse. They argue that medicine production is still niche, favoring its combat prowess.

PenWild2261 points out Bellanoir Libero’s high base attack, recommending it for fighting. However, they acknowledge that it can excel in both roles, emphasizing flexibility in gameplay choices.

Organic-Course3094 questions the differences between Ultra, Libero, and Base forms of Bellanoir Libero, seeking insights on which version performs better in the game.

As players continue to explore Bellanoir Libero’s capabilities, the debate between its fighting and working roles rages on in the Palworld community. Discovering the perfect balance between combat prowess and utility remains a key strategy for maximizing success in the game.