Baldur’s Gate 3: Community’s Wish for a Tiny Companion

Fans of Baldur's Gate 3 express their desire for a special little companion to join their camp.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 fans have taken to Reddit to share their desire for a new companion in the game – but this time, it’s not your usual party member they’re looking for.


  • Fans yearn for an adorable small creature to be part of their camp.
  • Speculation arises about the fate of the mentioned character.
  • Players seek ways to interact with in-game elements creatively.

Desire for a New Companion

Mr7000000 playfully demands the presence of the little guy in the camp, spawning curiosity among others.

Fate Speculation

Polspanakithrowaway raises a melancholic question about a potential tragic event involving the mentioned character, provoking emotional responses from the community.

Creative Interaction

EqualWinters and DevastaTheSeeker discuss strategies to alter in-game events, sparking interest in exploring different gameplay possibilities.

Emotional Reactions

Eilupt expresses a personal craving for another character, adding depth to the discussions beyond gameplay mechanics.

ScrumpusMcDingle vents frustration towards the game developers, showcasing the passionate investment of players in the narrative experience.