Valorant: Why Deadlock Isn’t the Fan Favorite and How Players Feel

Discover why Deadlock in Valorant is facing mixed reactions from players and the reasoning behind it.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Ascent

Valorant’s Deadlock agent has sparked a debate among players, with some questioning her effectiveness and popularity.


  • Players appreciate choosing agents based on personal enjoyment, not public opinion.
  • Deadlock’s abilities are criticized for being underwhelming compared to other sentinels.
  • Some argue Deadlock requires specific coordination and aggressive playstyles to succeed.
  • Choosing Deadlock can lead to team composition issues in high-stakes matches.
  • BeeExciting6772

    If you enjoy playing her then I don’t think that’s anybody’s business. But as an agent, I think her abilities are just underwhelming…


    I personally think she is fun as hell, but with the popularity of the other sentinels I have a hard time picking her…


    Play who you enjoy. Doesn’t matter what other people say about her. The main reasons why people don’t like her…


    People generally want one agent of each role in their team. if you pick deadlock, you’re not fulfilling a role…