Jared Wentworth

Overwatch 2 Sombra: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

EMP activated! Sombra is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Sombra's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Your Complete Guide to Overwatch 2 Damage (DPS) Heroes

Jared Wentworth

Want to get better at damage (DPS) heroes in OW2? Learn more about each damage hero and how to get maximum value from their kits, only at Z League!

Your Complete Guide to Overwatch 2 Support Heroes

Jared Wentworth

Supports are the unsung heroes of Overwatch 2. Learn more about each Overwatch 2 support and how to play the role in general, only at Z League!

Zenyatta: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

Experience tranquility! Zenyatta is a support hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Zenyatta's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Mei: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

So mean, ugh! Mei is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Mei's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Junkrat: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

Brrrrrring! Junkrat is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Junkrat's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Widowmaker: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

Step into her web, said the spider to the fly! Widowmaker (Widow) is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Widowmaker's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Torbjorn: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

Hard work pays off! Torbjörn is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Torbjörn's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Hanzo: Tips, Maps, Counters, Abilities, and Ultimate

Jared Wentworth

He does what he must! Hanzo is a damage (DPS) hero in Overwatch 2. Learn all about Hanzo's stats, abilities, ultimate, and best maps, only at Z League!

Your Complete Guide to Overwatch 2 Tank Heroes

Jared Wentworth

Love playing tank in Overwatch 2? Learn how to make space and enable your team with each OW2 tank hero, only at Z League!