Apex Legends Wattson Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Wattson

Electrify the battlefield and set up perimeter defenses using Wattson. Read our Apex Legends Wattson guide to find out the best tips and tricks for the Static Defender.

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Anwell Patdu

Apex Legends Wattson: Key Takeaways

  • Apex Legends Wattson skills: Perimeter Security, Spark of Genius, and Interception Pylon.
  • Always link your electric fences together to save poles while covering more space.
  • Take advantage of Wattson’s passive by stocking up on Ultimate Accelerants.
  • There are multiple creative ways to use Wattson’s fences.
  • Play around your ultimate, or use it as bait.

Wattson is a solid defensive Legend that excels at zoning perimeters and camping areas. No one can get past her fences as long as they are placed properly. You might want to watch out for Crypto, though, because he can easily counter you.

Learn some of the best tips and tricks when using Wattson in our Apex Legends Wattson guide.

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Any Apex Legends Wattson player already knows that her Perimeter Security only works when two nodes are connected to each other. However, what most fail to recognize is that you can actually use the same node to create multiple fences.

This trick allows you to save up on nodes while also making it harder for enemies to crack your defenses. Remember, you can only use up to 12 nodes at once, so make sure to use those nodes wisely.

Let Me Bring That

Wattson’s passive allows her to fully charge her ultimate using a single Ultimate Accelerant. What most new Apex Legends Wattson players fail to utilize is her ability to carry two Ultimate Accelerants in the same slot.

This is a very useful trick that can help your team save an inventory slot or two. Make sure to carry all the Ultimate Accelerants for your team and then just drop it to them later on when they need it.

Triangular Perimeter

Whenever you’re using your tactical to set up defenses near doorways, passages, or any other entrances, make sure to use the triangle method. You first place the two nodes horizontally as you would normally set a trap, then place a third node a bit further, then connect it to the other side to create a triangle.

This makes it way harder for enemies to pass through without triggering your fences. You know what they say, three nodes are better than two, or something like that. You can also double down and create two layers of walls near entrances. However, this can limit your placeable nodes later down the line.

Cover Me

Apex Legends Wattson hiding behind her fences
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Who says that you can only use Perimeter Security as traps? This trick is quite similar to Catalyst hiding in her tactical. Since you can place nodes quite quickly and can have a stack of 4 of them at a time, you can use them as makeshift walls.

Just place the nodes in a vertical line in front of you and let them tank the damage for a while. Obviously, this isn’t going to be as effective as a Rampart wall, but it’s definitely good enough for whenever you’re in a pinch.

Rigged Doorway

It’s quite common for Apex Legends Wattson players to place fences near doors. This is definitely a useful and effective trick; it can’t help you when someone is chasing you. One thing you can do instead is our “Rigged Doorway” trick.

First, place down a node on one side of the door, then close it as you pass. Now, wait for the enemy to open the door before connecting the other node. This ensures that the enemy will get snagged by your fence. Talk about an electrifying entrance, quite literally.

Pylon Bait

The final tip we have in our Apex Legends Wattson guide is to use your Interception Pylon as bait. It has 150 health, so it’ll at least take a few shots for enemies to take down. You can use this time to escape or to try and fight back.

Don’t think that it was a wasted ult since you only used it as bait. You can easily get your ultimate back by popping an Ultimate Accelerant. This is one of the very few ways that you can use Wattson’s abilities offensively.