Apex Legends: Unboxing a Legendary P2020 Skin After a High Ammo Game

Discover the joy of unboxing a legendary P2020 skin after a game with 840 ammo in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has its players finding joy in the unexpected, like unboxing a legendary P2020 skin after a game with 840 ammo.


  • Discovering a legendary skin after a high ammo game sparks excitement
  • Players share their love for the P2020 and its unique mechanics
  • Some express difficulty in finding specific attachments

InsaneFire_ on Unboxing a Legendary P2020 Skin

InsaneFire_ shared the thrill of unboxing a legendary P2020 skin after a game where they had a staggering 840 ammo. The unexpected reward left them ecstatic, showcasing the joy of the game’s surprises.

Community Reactions

H3llycat expressed admiration, calling InsaneFire_ the “God’s strongest P2020 enjoyer.” Echtuniquernickname joked about finding a hidden mechanic for guaranteed legendary skins. Emparer’s comment, “I fear no man…” depicted a playful tone amidst the excitement.

Diverse Experiences

Mobasa701 voiced their love for the P2020 and Mozambique but struggled to find hammer point rounds. Expensive-Pick38 flaunted their level 100 achievement with the P2020, showcasing dedication to the weapon.