Warzone Perma Ban: Is Cheating Really Worth It?

A player gets permanently banned from Warzone for cheating - will he cheat again in the next game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Warzone players discuss the consequences of cheating after a player gets permanently banned for using cheats in an offline game. The ban raises questions about fairness and the possibility of future bans in other Call of Duty titles.


  • Discussion on the repercussions of cheating in Warzone.
  • Players offer advice on avoiding bans in future games.
  • Community divided on the severity of the ban.

Repercussions of Cheating

A player going by Ghost_M1dox revealed he got permanently banned from Warzone for using a trainer or cheat engine while playing offline. He sought to appeal the ban to no avail.

Community Response

Some players sympathized with Ghost_M1dox’s situation, suggesting avoiding cheating in future games to prevent further bans. Others condemned the act, emphasizing fair play.

Advice from Players

Players like Fizzmynizz straightforwardly advised the banned player to find another game, indicating little tolerance for cheating in Warzone.

Cheating Ethics

On the ethics of cheating, users like Dextromethamphent expressed confusion over the appeal of cheating in a game like Call of Duty, emphasizing the importance of fair competition.

Both humorous and critical, the Reddit comments reflect a community grappling with the consequences of cheating in a competitive gaming environment.