Apex Legends: Reality Check for Solos – Reddit Reactions

Discover how Apex Legends players react to the upcoming solos mode with humor and skepticism.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are gearing up for a new challenge as Respawn introduces solos mode. Reddit users discuss the potential pitfalls and advantages of this solo venture. Some see it as a breath of fresh air, while others brace for the inevitable chaos that may ensue.


  • Players are skeptical about solos mode due to potential camping and third-partying issues.
  • Some users believe that the solo experience may highlight individual skill better than team-based modes.
  • Concerns about matchmaking imbalance and player behavior arise with the introduction of solos.

Players’ Sentiments

Reddit users express mixed sentiments towards the solos mode in Apex Legends. While some anticipate the thrill of individual challenges, others fear the repercussions of toxic gameplay.

One user, Wallshington, notes how players complaining about bad teammates will face the reality of their own skill level without any excuses in solos mode. This sentiment reflects a concern about personal performance and accountability.

Doomaga highlights the disparity between players’ expectations and the harsh truth of solo gameplay. The shift from team reliance to self-sufficiency may lead to self-realization for many participants.

TheClutchUDF delves into the dichotomy of player expectations versus the harsh reality of solos mode. The excitement for a fresh experience contrasts with the potential chaos of inexperienced players navigating the solo landscape.

ConfidentDivide raises concerns about matchmaking issues and gameplay balance in solo mode. The potential increase in revives and campers could create an unbalanced and frustrating environment for players.

Community Insights

The Apex Legends community debates the merits and drawbacks of solos mode, speculating on its impact on the game’s dynamics and player interactions.

Shagmooth ponders the future of solos mode, questioning whether it will be a temporary or permanent addition to the game. The uncertainty surrounding the mode’s longevity adds to the community’s intrigue.

Lanky_Cap7768 anticipates the humorous aftermath of solos mode, highlighting the amusing aspect of observing players’ reactions and complaints post-solo sessions.

NewsInside8464 reflects on the necessity of a reality check for players accustomed to team-based gameplay. Solos mode may offer a stark reminder of the importance of teamwork and coordination in Apex Legends.

GalaxyGamer40404 finds entertainment in the forthcoming surge of solos-related memes and complaints, suggesting a shared amusement within the community at the expense of frustrated players.

The diverse opinions and reactions within the Reddit community showcase the anticipation, skepticism, and humor surrounding the upcoming solos mode in Apex Legends.