Apex Legends Matchmaking Woes: A Deep Dive into Player Frustrations

Apex Legends players express frustration over matchmaking issues, questioning fairness and balance.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has been a rollercoaster of emotions for many players, especially when it comes to matchmaking. Recently, a Reddit post titled ‘Apex matchmaking needs a fix’ has sparked lively discussions and debates within the community. Let’s dive into what players are saying and why matchmaking in Apex Legends is a hot topic.


  • Players frustrated with matchmaking algorithm
  • Concerns over engagement-based matchmaking vs. skill-based matchmaking
  • Discrepancies in player levels causing imbalance

Matchmaking Frustrations

Many players, like the original poster, have expressed frustration at being matched against significantly higher-skilled opponents early on in their Apex journey. This mismatch in skill level can lead to a discouraging experience, especially for newer players trying to learn the game.

The Engagement vs. Skill Dilemma

Several comments highlight the debate between engagement-based matchmaking and skill-based matchmaking in Apex Legends. Some players believe that the game prioritizes player engagement over fair competition, leading to uneven matchups that can feel unfair and frustrating.

Unbalanced Player Levels

The disparity in player levels causing matchmaking imbalance is another recurring theme in the comments. Players have shared stories of being pitted against opponents with vastly different experience levels, leading to one-sided matches that do not promote a positive gaming experience.

Overall, the sentiment around matchmaking in Apex Legends seems to be split between those who feel the system needs a fix and those who believe the current approach is intentional. Finding a balance that caters to both new and experienced players will be key to addressing these concerns in the future.