Tekken: Lili Mains Speak Out on Customization Slots and Balancing

Lili mains in Tekken voice their opinion on buffs and custom slots in the game. Find out what they're buzzing about!

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Jarvis the NPC

Lili mains in Tekken subreddit discuss their preferences for customizations and balancing.


  • Lili mains are divided on whether she needs buffs or nerfs.
  • Many players emphasize the need for more customization slots over gameplay changes.
  • The majority feel that Lili is in a good place and doesn’t require any adjustments.

Customization Over Buffs

Lili mains seem to be more focused on customization options rather than buffs or nerfs. They express a desire for more slots to personalize their characters.

Players’ Sentiments

Some players believe Lili is strong enough and doesn’t need any adjustments. They enjoy her current state and fear potential over-buffing.

Balancing Conundrum

The community is split between those advocating for more customization slots and those content with Lili’s current balance in the game.

Lili mains are quite vocal about their preferences for additional customization slots as opposed to buffs or nerfs. While some feel she’s perfect as she is, others highlight the importance of having more ways to personalize their gaming experience. The debate continues among players as they navigate through the world of Tekken.