Apex Legends: How Players Choose Their Legends Revealed!

Discover why Apex Legends players choose their legends based on play styles, aesthetics, and unique abilities in this revealing post and comments!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have diverse reasons for choosing their legends, from play style compatibility to character aesthetics, as revealed in a recent Reddit post. The community provides insights into the factors influencing their legend selections, offering a glimpse into the varied preferences within the player base. Let’s dive into the intriguing world of selecting legends in Apex Legends!


  • Players’ legend selections are influenced by a mix of factors, including gameplay enjoyment, character design, lore, and kit compatibility.
  • Some players prioritize fun gameplay experiences, while others focus on character aesthetics and lore.
  • Kits that match individual play styles play a crucial role in legend selection for many players.
  • Character loyalty, meta viability, and personal preferences also contribute to the decision-making process for selecting legends.

Player Preferences: Fun vs. Meta

Players in the community exhibit a range of preferences when it comes to selecting legends in Apex Legends. While some prioritize the fun factor and enjoyment of a legend’s kit, others lean towards meta viability.

Character Aesthetics and Lore

For some players, the visual appeal and lore of a legend heavily influence their choice. Whether it’s the design, personality, or backstory of a character, these aspects play a significant role in their decision-making process.

Kit Compatibility and Play Style

Many players emphasize the importance of selecting a legend whose abilities complement their play style. Whether it’s a preference for support roles, aggressive tactics, or strategic gameplay, the synergy between a legend’s kit and the player’s approach is crucial.

Players’ unique reasons for choosing specific legends add a layer of depth to the game, showcasing the diversity of preferences within the Apex Legends community. From character loyalty to play style considerations, each player’s selection process reflects their individual gaming preferences and priorities.