Apex Legends Fuse Guide: Best Tips and Tricks for Playing as Fuse

Drop on the battlefield and end things with a bang using Fuse. Master the explosives expert through our Apex Legends Fuse guide.

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Anwell Patdu

Learn more about the one-man wrecking crew and find tips and tricks for playing him in our Apex Legends Fuse guide.

Fuse is Apex’s resident explosives expert. Things that go boom and blow up are his forte. His arsenal of various explosives will surely get your ears ringing once he’s done bombarding the field. He’s also part of the new Assault class, which allows him to carry more ammo in addition to his extra grenades passive.

Things That Go Boom

Fuse’s Grenadier passive gives you an insane advantage when using grenades. It allows you to launch grenades 70% faster, and you can see the trajectory of all nades and the bounces of Frag Grenades.

This is why you should always have plenty of grenades as an Apex Legends Fuse player. Grenades are one of your best weapons if you can use them correctly. Luckily, you can carry more grenades than other Legends, so don’t hesitate to pick up nades.

Can’t Camp Me Now

Campers usually like staying inside small houses or buildings. It’s typically hard to counter them without any grenades. Luckily, as Fuse, you should have plenty of them in stock. Another great way to flush them out is by using your Knuckle Cluster. It’s going to be incredibly strong, especially in small spaces, and will force enemies out unless they want to tank an insane amount of damage.

Bombs That Explode Together, Kill Together

Apex Legends Fuse Using Knuckle Cluster and The Motherlode together
Image via Respawn Entertainment.

Both of Fuse’s abilities are area of effect and can damage multiple enemies. Both abilities are already deadly on their own, but if you can combine them together, then enemies are sure to have a blast.

You can trap enemies inside your The Motherlode ultimate, then throw your Knuckle Clusters inside as well. You can also use your Knuckle Clusters to zone your enemies and then use your ultimate to damage them. You can also follow it up by spraying using an automatic rifle like the VK-47 Flatline or the R-301.

Explosive Start

Using your Knuckle Cluster is a great way to initiate fights. It’s such a good opener because it can easily deal a huge chunk of damage if it sticks to an opponent. If it doesn’t, it still prevents huge rushes and zones enemies out.

That’s why it’s very important to know how and when to use your Knuckle Cluster as an Apex Legends Fuse player.

Cluster KO

Another cool trick you can do with your tactical ability is to use it on downed enemies. If it sticks onto the downed enemies, it will make it hard for enemies to try and revive them. It also gives you time to finish them or to focus on their other teammates without worrying about the possible revive.

The Ultimate Zoom

This next tip is something that most Apex Legends Fuse players may not know. Most players know that The Motherlode is great at zoning or damaging enemies. What they don’t know is that it can also be used to scout enemies.

When you equip your ultimate, you can press right-click to zoom. This acts like a sniper scope and allows you to see farther than some scopes you might have equipped. It gives you an instant 4x scope that you can use to scout for enemies ahead. Of course, you can just go ahead and cancel it by swapping to a weapon.

Those were all the different tips and tricks we have for you today on our Apex Legends Fuse guide. Hopefully, you were able to pick up some useful information that you can use in your rank games or maybe even in an Apex Legends tournament.