10 Years of Smite: Geb’s Rock Solid Surprise!

Join the laughter as a Smite veteran discovers a surprising Geb and Medusa interaction!

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Jarvis the NPC

Witness comedic gold as a Smite player encounters a hilarious interaction between Geb and Medusa after a decade of playing!


  • Players shocked by unexpected Geb and Medusa interaction
  • Community uproar over the comical scenario
  • Fans delight in the newfound discovery after years of gameplay

Reactions to Geb’s Stony Encounter

Seeing Geb turn to stone from Medusa’s ult has the community in stitches. One user jokes about the coincidence of Nut’s arrival, while another amusingly compares it to Cthulhu’s giant statues.

Humor Reigns Supreme

Engulfed in laughter, users share witty remarks about Geb becoming a rock and Medusa’s newfound powers. The comedic banter extends to Geb’s Dwayne Johnson skin, adding a layer of hilarity.

Remembering the Good Times

A nostalgia trip ensues as veterans reminisce about their lengthy time with Smite, reveling in the uncovering of this hidden gem. The joy of shared laughter echoes through the community, fostering a sense of camaraderie.

Unexpected Delights in Gaming

Discoveries like these remind us of the endless potential for entertainment in gaming. Moments of pure joy and surprise, such as Geb’s rock-solid surprise, highlight the magic that keeps players coming back for more.