10 Tips for Mad Maggie in Apex Legends that you didn’t know

Why is Mad Maggie one of the most used characters in Apex Legends high-ranks? Here are 10 tips that you probably didn't know about her.

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Before the new season starts, let’s talk a little bit about one of our favorites, Mad Maggie.

In season 12, a new legend was added to Apex Legends. She was a dangerous mercenary who we saw in previous teasers as Fuse’s old friend. Her name is Margaret Köhere, better known as Mad Maggie.

Mad Maggie quickly became the most offensive legend in the whole game, with an ability kit that directly counters defensive legends such as Gibraltar, Newcastle, or Caustic. As a result, she became very popular among a wide variety of players, especially among professional and high-ranking ones.

One special case was the Apex Legends Global Series (ALGS) of 2022. Where she became the favorite pick for the CEO of Apex, TSM ImperialHal, surprising everyone in the pro scene with her aggressive kit.

Therefore, we put together a list of 10 tips for Mad Maggie that you probably didn’t know.

1. Understanding Mad Maggie’s Role

Apex Legends Mad Maggie skydiving
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

First, it’s VERY important that you understand what Mad Maggie’s role is. Whenever you and your team are trying to construct a  winning composition, the most common combination is trying to get a defensive legend, a mobility character, and a utility one, such as Loba or Seer.

Having this in mind, we’ve got to understand that Mad Maggie is a very powerful utility legend. She adds a strong offensive kit to your team, so, if you and your friends like to rush, she is even better than Seer and other scan legends.

Maggie belongs on the frontline of the team. She is the one that must find angles to try to get a knock, even if she gets cracked, she has the mobility to get back and heal

2. Maggie + Seer Combo

seer maggie apex
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Seer paired with Maggie is such a strong combination right now. In every middle to long-range fight the idea is to break one of your enemies’ shields. As soon as they get behind cover, use Seer’s tactic to cancel their healing. At this point, they’ll be pissed hiding in a corner just trying to get their heal off. This is the perfect moment to throw Maggie’s drill to get a knockdown., Once it’s a 3v2 situation, that win is yours.

3. The “Magtane” Combo

apex legends octane jump pad rotation 1536x864 1
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

4. Wallhacks when strafing with shotguns

In season 9, the combination of Revenant and Octane (most commonly known as “Revtane”) was an absolute menace when you were playing ranked. Right now, users find another combination that is absolutely destroying lobbies as a third-party tool, the Maggie + Octane combo.

Maggie’s ultimate doesn’t count the distance it travels, but rather the number of bounces. Hence, if you use Octane’s Jump Pad for making the ball fly, you can cover MASSIVE distances using both ultimates. You can get into fights so fast that most teams won’t even notice what was going on.

apex legends mad maggie character trailer wc44.1200
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

Moving in and out of cover is a technique that most of the skilled players apply when using shotguns like the Peacekeeper or the Mastiff. But Maggie takes this to a whole new level. Mad Maggie’s passive makes her move incredibly fast when using shotguns. It also highlights your enemy once you damage them, so always carry a shotgun and use this sneaking technique. If you apply this properly, you’ll always have your enemy highlighted while hiding, and they won’t know exactly what’s going on.

5. Always carry thermites grenades

Apex Legends players discover how to land Thermite grenades through a door
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

Always choose thermites over any other throwables, especially in this Seer scan meta. You will have ‘wall hacks’ for a few seconds if you throw thermites properly and hit someone.

6. Mad Maggie’s drill damage range

drill depth mad maggie
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

When you shoot Mad Maggie’s drill, it seems like the distance that the drill travels through is very short. This seems like only a couple of meters, but this is not actually true. Mad Maggie’s drill damage range doesn’t change depending on the width of the wall.

When you hold down your tactical button there is a depth counter. This tells you the depth of the object you’re aiming at. This tactical can actually pierce through any object that has a depth of up to 13 meters. So you can fire it through many different things and structures and the fire will come out the other side. This doesn’t affect the fire and it’s no different than just firing it through a door.

7. Throw your tactical on a door while you open and close it

Apex Legends Mad Maggie Abilities Tactical
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

When someone is blocking the door, the first thing a Maggie player does is throw her drill at the door, causing the enemy to move from behind the door.

A helpful technique here is spamming the door. Opening and closing it repeatedly. This is effective for dealing damage to enemies standing next to doors, who thought they were out of danger.

8. Your drill is also a defensive tool

defensive drill apex
Screengrab via Respawn Entertainment

While you’re getting ready to fight, keep in mind that you can always throw the drill while healing, as a result, keep your tactical ability in mind to block doors, zip lines, choke points, and any paths your enemies may use.

9. Your drill sticks on Tridents

Image via Respawn Entertainment

Something that most people don’t know is that drills stick to tridents and they do a lot of damage. 

A lot of people don’t even know this is possible and don’t realize how much damage Maggie’s drill can do in this situation. There are many scenarios where they don’t even get off the trident and the three of them end up with broken shields. So, please aim for tridents whenever you get on Olympus. If you catch a team off-guard, you will probably win that fight. 

10. How to use your Wrecking ball

Wrecking ball Apex
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Your ultimate is not meant for dealing high damage. Your ultimate’s main use is, of course, rotating and getting that 30% speed bonus. But keep in mind that your ult knocks back everyone it hits. This includes stunning, blinding, and pushing into the air everyone who gets hit, so use it as an offensive tool when you have your enemies in front of you, or if they’re all in a room and you want to create havoc.

For now, that’s all we have about Maggie, but we want to hear from you. Do you have any of your own Maggie tips that you would like to share? Let us know on the Z League app, where you can register for tournaments, post your highlights, and find teammates using the LFG feature!