Zwag Xerath: Unleashing the Power of Lethality Jinx

Join Zwag Xerath as he dominates the mid lane with his unstoppable Jinx build, leaving enemy Jhin in awe.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today, we dive into Zwag Xerath’s latest video where he showcases his incredible Jinx gameplay in the mid lane. Armed with a unique Lethality build, Zwag Xerath takes on the enemy Jhin and leaves him questioning his own skills. Let’s take a closer look at the key moments and strategies from this exciting match.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Zwag Xerath showcases a unique Lethality build on Jinx, maximizing her damage potential.
  • Despite a weak early game, Zwag Xerath farms up and starts dominating the mid lane.
  • Effective use of Jinx’s abilities, including her ult, allows Zwag Xerath to secure kills and turn teamfights in his favor.
  • Zwag Xerath’s gameplay highlights the importance of positioning and map awareness in maximizing Jinx’s potential.

Unleashing Lethality on Jinx

In this video, Zwag Xerath experiments with a Lethality build on Jinx, opting for items like Manamune and Duskblade of Draktharr. This unconventional build focuses on maximizing Jinx’s damage output, particularly with her rockets. By prioritizing Lethality items, Zwag Xerath ensures that his rockets hit harder and clear waves with ease.

Zwag Xerath also explains the importance of managing Jinx’s mana pool, especially when spamming abilities like her W. By starting with a Manamune, he is able to sustain his mana and deal consistent damage throughout the game.

A Strong Mid Lane Performance

Despite Jinx’s reputation as a late-game hypercarry, Zwag Xerath demonstrates that she can be a formidable force in the mid lane as well. With careful positioning and effective use of abilities, he is able to farm up and hold his own against the enemy mid laner.

Zwag Xerath’s decision to max his Q first instead of W proves to be a wise choice, as it allows him to push waves and secure last hits without relying heavily on mana. This early game strategy sets him up for success as he transitions into the mid and late game.

Key Moments and Strategies

Throughout the video, Zwag Xerath showcases several key moments and strategies that contribute to his success. He effectively utilizes Jinx’s ult, using it to secure kills from afar and turn teamfights in his favor. His map awareness and ability to predict enemy movements also play a crucial role in his dominance.

Additionally, Zwag Xerath’s gameplay highlights the importance of proper positioning. By staying at a safe distance and positioning himself behind walls or in bushes, he is able to land crucial skill shots and avoid unnecessary damage.

Overall, Zwag Xerath’s video provides valuable insights into playing Jinx in the mid lane and maximizing her potential with a Lethality build. Whether you’re a Jinx enthusiast or simply looking for new strategies to try, this video is definitely worth a watch.