Your Ultimate Guide to ‘Final Fantasy 16’: What to Know As a Newbie

Discovering Final Fantasy? Dive into the nuances of Final Fantasy 16, 7 Remake, and 7 Rebirth from seasoned fans' perspectives.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of ‘Final Fantasy’, navigating the different titles and versions can be a maze. A curious newcomer to this epic series is beginning their journey with ‘Final Fantasy 16’ and seeks to understand the difference between ‘Final Fantasy 7 Remake’ and ‘Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’.


  • Understanding the differences between ‘Remake’ and ‘Rebirth’
  • Which version to play first?
  • Prequels to avoid before playing the original

The Differences

First things first, ‘Final Fantasy 7 Remake’ and ‘Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’ are parts of the same storyline. As explained by user Zargabath, the remake is segmented into three parts: ‘Remake’, ‘Rebirth’, and a yet unknown third installment. This bytecode of the game sequence can make understanding the progress line a tad daunting for newcomers.

Where to Start?

A popular voice in the fan community, NefariousnessLeast89, suggests starting with the original ‘FF7’, especially for those who fancy retro games. The charm of the original is in its fantastic story, unforgettable characters, and timeless soundtrack. However, hopping into the ‘Remake’ isn’t wrong either, though the experience may differ.

Prequels? Perhaps not

If you’re eager to understand the whole story, it might be tempting to dive into the prequels. But hold onto your Chocobos, friends! Our seasoned fan advises against playing the prequel, ‘Crisis Core’, or watching ‘Advent Children’ before experiencing the original. Preserving the intrigue, we presume?

Deals Worth Checking

If you’re not one to shy away from potential deals, be on the lookout. lyteshadow shares that a pre-order of ‘Rebirth’ on the PlayStation store includes a ‘Twin Pack’ with ‘Remake Intergrade’ for free. Now, that’s a piece of Gil-saving advice!

As we virtually lock arms to discover the enchanting world of ‘Final Fantasy’, it becomes clear: being new to the series can stir up a lot of q&a’s. But heeding seasoned fans’ insights can be your ultimate guide, ensuring a fuller and more exciting experience. So dive into the realms, unleash those spells, and let the epic saga unfold!