Read about the latest Destiny 2 updates and changes, including the rework of the Artifact system and upcoming content updates.

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Today, we’re diving into the latest Destiny 2 updates and changes discussed by xHOUNDISHx. Bungie has been actively responding to player feedback and providing new updates for the game. In this video, xHOUNDISHx covers the rework of the Artifact system, power level changes, new content, and more. Let’s dive into the details!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Bungie has made updates to Adu batteries in Onslaught, buffing the healing factor and making healing consume the battery. This change adds an interesting strategic element to the game mode.
  • There is clarification on how the new power cap will affect the difficulty of Grandmaster Nightfalls. The new power cap doesn’t increase the difficulty, but allows players to grind extra artifact levels for an advantage.
  • The Brave seal in Destiny 2 isn’t attainable yet due to a hidden triumph. The final requirement for the Brave title will be the upcoming Zero Hour mission on May 14th.
  • Next week, players can expect the second Pantheon Gauntlet, new PvP maps, and the introduction of the Harrowed Quill’s Terminus as a reward.

Onslaught Updates:

In Onslaught, Bungie made changes to Adu batteries, buffing the healing factor and making healing consume the battery. This change adds an interesting strategic element to the game mode, but Bungie wanted to ensure it didn’t introduce exploits or trivialize Legend Onslaught. They also tested the new batteries to ensure they felt good to use. The community’s discovery of this unintended functionality led to Bungie leaning into the change instead of just fixing the bug.

Final Shape Changes:

Bungie clarified how the new power cap will affect the difficulty of Grandmaster Nightfalls. The new power cap doesn’t increase the difficulty, but allows players to grind extra artifact levels to make it easier. Grandmaster Nightfalls will still be as hard as they are currently at Pinnacle plus 15, but players can reach Pinnacle plus 20 with the artifact. This additional power can have an influence on other activities and harder content in the game.

Brave Seal and Future Content:

The Brave seal in Destiny 2 isn’t attainable yet due to a hidden triumph. The final requirement for the Brave title will be the upcoming Zero Hour mission on May 14th. Players can look forward to the second Pantheon Gauntlet, new PvP maps, and the introduction of the Harrowed Quill’s Terminus as a reward. Pantheon will continue to provide rewarding experiences, and Bungie may consider updating it as a seasonal event in the future.

Overall, the latest Destiny 2 updates and changes discussed by xHOUNDISHx bring exciting additions to the game. The rework of the Artifact system and upcoming content updates provide new strategic elements and rewards for players. Stay tuned for more reveals and updates as the final shape of Destiny 2 approaches. Make sure to subscribe to xHOUNDISHx’s YouTube channel for more Destiny 2 content!